Senin, 21 November 2011

Burger Recipe

Ingredients Burger:
  1. Burger Buns, 5 pieces
  2. Chicken burgers, 5 pieces
  3. Curly leaf lettuce, 5 pieces
  4. Onions, 1 fruit, cut into 0.5 cm round
  5. Cucumber, 1 piece, cut into 0.5 cm round
  6. Tomatoes, 3 pieces, cut into 0.5 cm round
  7. Mayonnaise, 5 tbsp
  8. Tomato sauce, to taste
  9. Chili sauce, to taste
  10. Margarine, to taste
How to make Burger:
  1. Take one burger buns, split but do not drop out.
  2. Heat a nonstick omelet pan, add margarine to taste. Bake the bread and chicken burgers until cooked through and browned. Remove from heat.
  3. Open parts of the bread, rub with mayonnaise to taste.
  4. Set inside lettuce, onions, tomatoes and chicken burgers.
  5. Add the tomato sauce over the burgers and a few pieces of tomato on it. Katupkan bread on top.
  6. Serve warm with tomato sauce or chili sauce.

To servings 5 Burger

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